Economic Development during Castro’s & Trujillo’s Dictatorships

The Dominican Republic achieved an important economic growth during Trujillo´s rule, because he looked for different ways to improve the country's economy. It is important to mention that “Trujillo owned much of the country. He controlled every aspect of Dominican life” (Robinson, 174), he tried to succeed in this aspect,   since he owned most of the business enterprises and he did not wanted to affect his economy.

One of the most important achievements in Trujillo’s dictatorship occurred in 1940, when Trujillo signed the “Trujillo-Hull” treaty, which eliminated the US control over Dominican Republic finances, although diplomatic relations were kept. Also in 1947, they paid the debt to the US and finally after years of dependency, the Dominican Republic was able make some free choice, for example: they created a central bank and Dominican peso was reinstated as the nation’s currency.
Trujillo fostered the country’s substitution of goods and industrialization. The “Benefactor of the country” accomplished several agricultural goals during his government and when he left power only few sugar plantations were owned by U.S and foreign companies, also the nation was able to produce enough resources for its people.

On the other hand, Cuba went through a different economic development. During the first years of Castro’s rule, the Cuban economy suffered a lot of mistakes, because most of the revolutionaries did not know how to manage economic affairs. The first goal of the government consisted in redistributing income to rural and urban working class, which was an excellent improvement because most of the unemployment was wiped out.  At first the increment of income benefited the economy and the people, but after some time it resulted in problems. Cuban economic situation was very complicated, but in the end there were achievements in the areas of employment. Moreover, the US established a trade embargo to Cuba, so this country couldn't develop as others.