What? A Conclusion?

In this project were analyzed the most important causes of the dictatorships of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo and Fidel Castro, as well as the economical, political, and social consequences that they had in each country. On one side, the way in which both leaders managed to obtain the power can be highlighted, due to the fact that by the means of various acts against the leaders of those times, they finally positioned themselves as the maximum authority. At the beginning, both dictators were popular amongst people because they managed to implement some social and economic reforms. However, there were periods when the government was stuck, especially during Castro's dictatorship, when the US implemented an embargo. Relationships between Cuba and the US were highly tensioned, while Dominican Republic tried to project a good image to the US almost until the end of Trujillo's government. Amongst some of the cause that led to the end of both leaders, is the fact that they used terrorism and personalism to accomplish what they wanted, they did not respect the human rights, and as time went by, they kept using the most terrible oppressing methods.  Rafael Leonidas Trujillo was murdered in an ambush, while Fidel Castro still lives, and even though he's not in the power anymore, he still plays an important role in Cuba's politics.