How did Rafael Leonidas Trujillo & Fidel Castro seize power?

For a long period of time, the Dominican Republic and Cuba were ruled by two powerful dictators, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, in Dominican Republic, and Fidel Castro, in Cuba.
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo presented himself as a candidate for the 1930 elections, because in 1929 a rebellion removed the former president Horacio Vázquez. With the support of the US and having control of the “National Guard, as well as the secret intelligence service, Trujillo won the elections. Something different occurred with Fidel Castro. In 1955, while he was in Mexico he organized the 26th July movement, which was an attempt to oust Batista. In Mexico he also met with “Che” Guevara, who helped him a lot in all the rebellion. When Castro’s forces were about to invade the Havana, Flugencio Batista decided to escape. Finally in 1959, Fidel Castro gained power over Cuba.  The US never helped Castro.

Fidel Castro and Trujillo were not so different; they also shared some similar aspects according in how they get to power, for example: both of them established themselves as dictators, they were not democratically elected, both had allies who supported.